Love OC-V
(Oil City & Venango County)
Love Where You Live
The British novelist, scholar and lay theologian C. S. Lewis once remarked, "Do not waste time bothering whether you 'love' your neighbor. As soon as we do this we find out one of the great secrets. When you are behaving as if you love someone you will presently come to love him."
We think the same thing applies to some degree to places. Love where you live, and you'll love where you live.
At OCV we are committed to the flourishing of the towns and counties (let's not forget our friends in Clarion County!) that we call home. We believe that our towns and communities will thrive best when we work together with other churches, non-profits, businesses, schools, and local government offices to address the spiritual and physical needs we see everyday. We are in this together. We are praying and working for the good of people in this corner of the world.
We are not alone. Not only is the God of creation continuing His ongoing work of redemption, our friends and neighbors are doing great things by our side. We are in this together, and we are glad to celebrate their good efforts and the place we call home.

Select Ministries and Initiatives of Note
The Venango Area Chamber of Commerce's "Be Here" Initiative demonstrates the diversity and scope of opportunity within our region and highlights community members who have made the conscious choice to "be here." It is also a great way to check out local economic, educational, recreational and cultural opportunities.
Mustard Seed Missions of Venango County is a faith-based non-profit that connects Churches and government agencies with practical needs in our community.
For fifty years Community Services of Venango County has been working to meet the needs of Venango County residents through a wide variety of programming.
Oil City is working to re-brand itself as an arts hub. The center of the Oil City arts community is the National Transit Building, where local artists and artists from across the country can rent studio spaces on the second floor. These efforts are organized by the Oil City Arts Council in conjunction with Arts Oil City.
There is no need to recreate the wheel. Many local churches have strong service-oriented ministries within our town. From free clothing and meals to after school tutoring, pre-schools, transportation services, food pantries, cafes and more, the churches of Oil City are doing a lot to bring God's love to our town.